You're Going to the
Los Angeles Rams Post-Game Field Experience

You're Going to the
Los Angeles Rams Post-Game Field Experience

You're Going to the
Los Angeles Rams Post-Game Field Experience

You're Going to the
Los Angeles Rams Post-Game Field Experience

Check-In Times:

1:00 PM Game Time

1:00 PM Game Time

1:00 PM Game Time

Check-In Begins 1:25 PM
Check-In Ends: 3:15 PM

4:25 PM Game Time

4:25 PM Game Time

4:25 PM Game Time

Check-In Begins 1:25 PM

Check-In Ends: 3:15 PM

8:20 Game Time

8:20 Game Time

8:20 Game Time

Check-In Begins: 5:20 PM

Check-In Ends: 7:00 PM

Postgame Field Access

Postgame Field Access

Postgame Field Access

Postgame Field Access


Step onto the field for a unique view of SoFi Stadium and grab a photo with family or friends after the game.

Step onto the field for a unique view of SoFi Stadium and grab a photo with family or friends after the game.

Step onto the field for a unique view of SoFi Stadium and grab a photo with family or friends after the game.


Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent.

Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent.

Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent.


Check-In Begins: Start of 4th Quarter | Check-In Ends: 2-minute warning, 4th Quarter | Check-In Location: Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent. Look for the TickPick Check-in Table (Level 6 South)

Check-In Begins: Start of 4th Quarter | Check-In Ends: 2-minute warning, 4th Quarter | Check-In Location: Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent. Look for the TickPick Check-in Table (Level 6 South)

Check-In Begins: Start of 4th Quarter | Check-In Ends: 2-minute warning, 4th Quarter | Check-In Location: Rams Member Experience Check-in Tent. Look for the TickPick Check-in Table (Level 6 South)

Field Access Information

Field Access Information

Field Access Information

Field Access Information

Mobile Passes will be transferred to you 24 hours prior to the event

Mobile Passes will be transferred to you 24 hours prior to the event

Mobile Passes will be transferred to you 24 hours prior to the event

Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field, must be Rams or neutral.

Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field, must be Rams or neutral.

Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field, must be Rams or neutral.

Check-in opens at the start of the 4th quarter and is located at the Member Experience Check-in Tent on Level 6 (map attached). All guests must be checked in by the 2-minute warning. Between the 2-minute warning and the end of the game, we will head down to the field. Guests who check-in after the 2-minute warning of the 4th Quarter run the risk of missing the experience.

Check-in opens at the start of the 4th quarter and is located at the Member Experience Check-in Tent on Level 6 (map attached). All guests must be checked in by the 2-minute warning. Between the 2-minute warning and the end of the game, we will head down to the field. Guests who check-in after the 2-minute warning of the 4th Quarter run the risk of missing the experience.

Check-in opens at the start of the 4th quarter and is located at the Member Experience Check-in Tent on Level 6 (map attached). All guests must be checked in by the 2-minute warning. Between the 2-minute warning and the end of the game, we will head down to the field. Guests who check-in after the 2-minute warning of the 4th Quarter run the risk of missing the experience.

Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches or media is strictly prohibited.

Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches or media is strictly prohibited.

Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches or media is strictly prohibited.

No food or beverage is allowed on-field (water is OK).

No food or beverage is allowed on-field (water is OK).

No food or beverage is allowed on-field (water is OK).

Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to gameday policies as well as those listed above.

Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to gameday policies as well as those listed above.

Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to gameday policies as well as those listed above.

Post-Game Experiences are non-transferable

Post-Game Experiences are non-transferable

Post-Game Experiences are non-transferable

Point of Contact: Eli Corenthal cell: 203-505-7054 (text only)
or Liz Kwasnowski: 845-417-3804

Point of Contact: Eli Corenthal cell: 203-505-7054 (text only) or Liz Kwasnowski: 845-417-3804

Point of Contact: Eli Corenthal cell: 203-505-7054 (text only) or Liz Kwasnowski: 845-417-3804

Point of Contact: Eli Corenthal cell: 203-505-7054 (text only) or Liz Kwasnowski: 845-417-3804

Additional Guidelines

Additional Guidelines

Additional Guidelines

Dress Code: Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field. Please wear Rams or neutral attire.

Dress Code: Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field. Please wear Rams or neutral attire.

Dress Code: Any fans in opposing team gear will not be permitted on the field. Please wear Rams or neutral attire.

Conduct: Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches, or media is strictly prohibited.

Conduct: Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches, or media is strictly prohibited.

Conduct: Absolutely no autographs are allowed. Approaching players, coaches, or media is strictly prohibited.

Safety: For your own safety and the safety of others, do not lie down or sit down on the field.

Safety: For your own safety and the safety of others, do not lie down or sit down on the field.

Safety: For your own safety and the safety of others, do not lie down or sit down on the field.

Food and Beverage: No food or beverage is allowed on the field (water is OK).

Food and Beverage: No food or beverage is allowed on the field (water is OK).

Food and Beverage: No food or beverage is allowed on the field (water is OK).

Compliance: Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to game day policies and those listed above.

Compliance: Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to game day policies and those listed above.

Compliance: Working staff has the right to remove any guests who do not adhere to game day policies and those listed above.

We look forward to providing you with a unique Rams experience, and as always, Go Rams!

We look forward to providing you with a unique Rams experience, and as always, Go Rams!

We look forward to providing you with a unique Rams experience, and as always, Go Rams!

Copyright © 2025 TickPick

Copyright © 2025 TickPick

Copyright © 2025 TickPick

Copyright © 2025 TickPick

Copyright © 2025 TickPick

Copyright © 2025 TickPick